What Should I Do When Someone Hit My Parked Car in Maine?


This week alone, two of my friends’ parked cars have been hit by someone else. One in Portland Maine. The other in Westbrook, Maine. A responsible person would leave their contact information for the poor victim, but that doesn’t always happen. If you can’t identify who hit your car, you have little recourse but to use your own insurance.  However, if you can identify the other party, this information may be helpful.

Flickr photo by gillicious
Flickr photo by gillicious

What To Do If Someone Hits Your Car in Maine

  • If it’s safe to do so, get the person’s name, address, phone number and insurance company information – BEFORE the police arrive!
  • Call the police if the total damage (both vehicles) appears to be more than $1,000. If there’s visible damage – even minor – it’s probably more than $1,000.
  • Give your statement to the police. Don’t admit any fault to the other driver, or argue about whose fault the accident was.
  • Report the accident to your Maine auto insurance agent.

Should I Use My Insurance or Theirs?

If the accident was clearly the other driver’s fault (e.g. you were legally parked), try their insurance first.  Using their insurance avoids having to pay your collision deductible, allows you to keep your Maine car insurance discounts, and contains no daily limit on rental coverage. Of course, if  you’re a victim of a hit-and-run accident, you have no choice but to use your own insurance. Your own local insurance agent can help you start the process.

Use their insurance if:

  • You got their insurance information at the scene, or can quickly get the Maine police report (many police reports aren’t available for several days).
  • Their insurance company accepts responsibility quickly (within 24 hours after you contact them).
  • You did not buy collision coverage on your own policy.

The Other Company Isn’t Responding After the Accident

The other insurance company must confirm liability before they accept responsibility to fix your car. They do this in one of three ways:

  • Their customer admits to them that they were clearly at fault (e.g. hit your parked car, rear-ended you at a stop light).
  • The police report says the other driver was at fault (police reports may not be available for several days).
  • After their own investigation, the insurance company determines that their customer was at fault.

If it’s taking too long for the insurance company to accept responsibility, you may choose to make a claim on your own policy.  You’ll have to pay your collision deductible, but at least you’ll get your car fixed, and get on with your life.

Will I Get My Deductible Back if My Insurance Company Collects from the Other Insurance Company?

Yes. if they collect from the other insurance company (a process called “subrogation”), your Maine insurance company will reimburse your deductible, and wipe the accident off your record.

Who Will Help Me Deal With The Other Insurance Company?

That depends on where you bought your insurance.  If you bought your car insurance or Maine commercial vehicle insurance from an independent local Maine insurance agent like Noyes Hall & Allen, they can help you report that claim to the other company. Your claim against the other insurance company should not affect your insurance company or your policy.

If you bought your Maine car insurance online, you’re probably on your own. One more reason to buy insurance from a local agency instead of a computer or 800 number. 

Of course, if you have no insurance at all on your vehicle, you’re really on your own.


How to Remove An Ice Dam From Your Roof

After a few mild years, Maine is in the middle of an “old-fashioned winter”, which means plenty of snow and cold temperatures. Our Maine insurance agency is prepared for homeowners insurance claims for damage caused by frozen pipes, weight of snow, and ice dams.

What is an Ice Dam?

icicles_Ice_DamIf you have icicles hanging from your roof, there’s probably an ice dam behind them.  An ice dam is a ridge of ice that builds at the edge of a roof which prevents melting snow from draining off the roof. The melting snow above feeds the dam below. Draining water backs up behind the dammed ice. It flows into your attic through cracks and openings in your roof covering. From the attic it flows into your home, damaging walls, insulation and ceilings.

How to Prevent Ice Dams

Differences in temperature of various areas of your roof cause ice dams. The best prevention is a combination of insulation and ventilation. A well-ventilated attic keeps cold air circulating, maintaining a constant temperature. Proper insulation keeps the warm air in your home, allowing the ventilation to do its job.

Remove snow from the lowest 5′ of your roof with a snow rake if possible. Leave 2-3 inches of snow on the roof to prevent shingle damage. It’s safest to work from the ground. If you must get on a ladder, have someone to “spot” you. Make sure your ladder is on secure footing, and stay away from electrical lines.

How to Remove an Ice Dam

Raking Snow from RoofRemoving an ice dam is delicate and dangerous work. You should not attempt it yourself unless you are physically capable. You can damage your roof or injure yourself if you do it improperly.

  • Remove snow from your roof. If you DIY, use a “roof rake” and a push broom. If not, plenty of local contractors are available to do this for you.
  • If water is flowing into your home, you can ease the flow by making a channel through the dam with warm water. DO NOT use a sharp object to break the dam. You will damage your roof!
  • Some people use a thawing agent to help melt the dam. Some put the melting agent in nylon netting (womens’ hosiery in a pinch) to hold it in place over the dam. Others recommend against this,  saying that it can damage shingles.

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Ice Dams?

Many Maine homeowners policies cover interior water damage caused by ice dams. Typically not covered are the cost to remove the dam.

Ice dams do not usually damage a roof that’s in good condition. Once the ice melts, the shingles lay back down. If your shingles were in good condition, and ice damages them, your policy might pay to replace them. Policies and conditions vary.  Check with your agent or insurance company to be sure.

For answers to your questions about Maine homeowners insurance or Maine business property insurance , call 207-799-5541. Your personal or business insurance agent at Noyes Hall & Allen is ready to help.

Is Mold Covered by Maine Homeowners Insurance?

Mold is nasty. It’s hazardous to health, hard to eradicate, and may be undetected for a long time. Even worse,  Maine Homeowners Insurance policies provide very little protection against mold damage.

The standard homeowners policy excludes damage from mold, fungus and wet rot. Then, it gives back a small amount of coverage – often $5,000 – for mold damage in very limited cases. Even if the cause of the mold is covered, your policy excludes mold damage unless it was hidden. In other words, you shouldn’t expect much help from your home insurer. And, we know of no other insurance source either.


Determining how an insurance policy responds – or doesn’t –  to mold is tricky, even for experienced local insurance agents. It’s impossible to tell whether you’ll have coverage until an adjuster sees the damage. If you discover mold in your home, contact your local Maine insurance agency to discuss it. They can help you report an insurance claim to your insurer. They can also help explain your policy coverage and exclusions. An agent can also advocate for you if your claim is unfairly denied.

For answers to questions about your home, condo, or Maine business property, contact your agent at Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance at 207-799-5541.

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*This outline is for discussion purposes only, and is not meant to imply or deny coverage. Refer to your policy for actual coverage wording.