Insuring college students may not be top of mind if you’re sending a one of your kids off to school. Your household is probably buzzing with activity and emotion. If your student is a freshman, there’s the added anxiety of doing it for the first time.

Many clients ask our Maine insurance agency these questions about insurance for college students:
Insuring College Students’ Property
Does your homeowners insurance cover a college student? Generally, yes. If they’re living in college housing, they’re still considered part of your household. Your homeowners policy covers their books, clothes, jewelry, electronics and other property. Even their liability.
What if you have a condo or renters insurance policy? Still covered. Remember, the coverage limitations your policy has for jewelry and money apply to your kids away at school, too.
What if your student does not live in college housing? Coverage can vary greatly in these situations. Consult your agent.
Insuring College Students for a “Semester Abroad”
If your student is still a household member, your policy covers their belongings anywhere. Even overseas. Liability is a little trickier. If they accidentally damage property or injure someone, your homeowners policy defends any suit brought in the U.S.
Need broader protection? Some personal umbrella policies will also defend against worldwide liability suits. This is another great reason to buy Maine personal umbrella insurance.
International car insurance? You’re out of luck there. NO US auto policies cover outside of the country, it’s territories and Canada. If your student is driving in a foreign country, make other insurance arrangements there.
Car Insurance for College Students
If your child still lives at home when not in school, they’re covered under you auto insurance. That includes if they’re injured by an uninsured driver, whether they’re driving, walking, cycling or a passenger.
If your child is not taking a car to school, you may get an auto insurance discount. The school must be more than 100 miles away from your home.
Don’t forget to ask your agent about the “good student discount” on auto insurance and other car insurance discounts.
Insuring College Students Medical Bills
Noyes Hall & Allen does not sell medical insurance, so we are not experts on this topic. Ask your medical insurance provider for their advice. If your family has no insurance coverage, then it may be a good idea to buy the college’s plan.
Have questions about Maine auto insurance, personal umbrella insurance or homeowners insurance? Contact Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance at 207-799-5541. As a locally owned Trusted Choice independent insurance agency, We represent many of Maine’s best insurance companies. We offer choice as well as professional advice. We’re independent and committed to you.