Is Bundling Auto Insurance Right for Me in Portland, ME?

Insurance bundling is becoming increasingly popular for those who prefer policy simplification and cost savings. As a driver in Portland, ME, combining your auto insurance policies with additional policies, including life, home, and even renters insurance, is convenient and can also provide potential benefits such as discounts.

Understanding Auto Insurance Bundling

Bundling your auto insurance policy typically involves purchasing multiple policies you require from the same provider or agency. Auto insurance policies can typically be bundled with homeowners and renters insurance.

Benefits of Bundling Auto Insurance

If you’re considering bundling your auto insurance policy with additional policies, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the most notable benefits:

  • Cost Savings: Multi-policy solutions provide reduced premiums, which can help save on both short and long-term insurance coverage costs.
  • Streamlined Management: Managing your insurance is much easier when all of your policies are condensed into one.
  • Customization: Working with a reputable provider, such as Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance, allows you to tailor bundled auto, life, homeowners, and renters insurance policies to suit your unique needs.


  • Needs: Consider your coverage needs to determine if you require more than one policy.
  • Commitment: Bundling may require a longer commitment than standard, single policies.
  • Standalone Policy Comparison: Take time to compare standalone policies to ensure adequate coverage.

Determining whether bundling your auto insurance is the right decision can be challenging, as there are many options and routes to consider. At Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance, we can help you review your existing policies to determine whether bundling is the right decision for you and your household. Contact us today to learn more about your options for bundling auto insurance in Portland, ME.

Understanding Home Appraisal and Its Role in Home Insurance

Home appraisal is a critical part of the home-buying process, but did you know it can also plays a significant role in your home insurance? Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance, serving the greater Portland, ME, area, wants to help you understand how appraisals impact your insurance coverage.

What Is a Home Appraisal?

A home appraisal is a professional assessment of your property’s market value conducted by a licensed appraiser. They consider factors like your home’s condition, size, location, and recent comparable property sales to determine its fair market value.

The Connection to Home Insurance:

  1. Setting Coverage Limits: The appraised value is different than the insurance amount. Insurers use rebuilding cost to determine the appropriate coverage limits for your home insurance policy. That can be more or less than the market value. You want to be sure you have enough coverage to rebuild or repair your home in case of damage or loss.
  2. Avoid Being Underinsured: You might underestimate your home’s replacement cost without an accurate replacement cost estimate. In the event of a claim, this could leave you with insufficient coverage to fully recover your losses.
  3. Premium Calculations: Your home appraisal can document factors that influence your insurance premiums. For example, a new roof, heating system or other update that can reduce your insurance cost.  It can also flag repairs or updates that need to be made, which can increase costs.

Using Your Home Appraisal for Insurance:

  1. Share It with Your Agent: Provide a copy of your home appraisal if they ask for it. Depending on other information that’s available, they may not need it.
  2. Consider Special Coverage: If your home has unique features or high-value items, consider customizing your policy that provide additional coverage beyond standard limits.
  3. A Home Appraisal is Not an Insurance Inspection: after they write your policy, your insurance company will inspect your home. That’s different than a real estate appraisal or a pre-purchase inspection. Here’s what to expect from an insurance inspection.

If you have questions about a home appraisal or home insurance, contact Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance, serving the Portland, ME area at 207-799-5541.

What are the benefits of having commercial insurance in Maine?

Those that are in the Portland, ME area will find that there are plenty of local amenities and a strong local economy. Due to this, Portland can also be a good place to start a small business. If you are going to start a company here, you should get a quality commercial insurance policy. There are several benefits that come when you get this type of insurance coverage here. 

Coverage Gives Important Protection

A key advantage of having commercial insurance in this area is that it will give you very important coverages. With a commercial insurance policy, you can receive property coverage, liability protection, and other forms of protection that are curtailed to your business needs. In a situation where you experience a loss, the commercial insurance policy will prove to be very valuable and could keep your business solvent.

Coverage is Required by Many Stakeholders

Another reason that you may want to get a commercial insurance policy is that it is often required by many different stakeholders. If you would like to lease a commercial space, purchase a building with a mortgage, take out a business loan, or even raise capital, any stakeholder is going to want you to have commercial insurance. This is almost always a requirement under our legal documents as it can help to protect your organization and protects another party’s investment.

As you are shopping for commercial insurance in the Portland, ME area, it is important that you speak with someone that you can trust and help guide your decision. Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance is a great company to contact when you are looking for a new policy. Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance will be able to help you personalize a policy to ensure you are properly protected. 

Natural Disaster Prep for Your Businesses

Natural disasters are on the rise, putting business owners at risk of suffering damage or loss of business property. A big disaster can literally put you out of business.

If you own a business in Maine, your customers and employees depend on you to prepare for the worst. Commercial insurance from Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance is one way to protect your business from disaster damage. Here are a few other ways to prep your small business for natural disasters.

Employee Disaster Readiness

  • Develop a plan for your employees, so they will know what to do in the event of a disaster.
  • Make sure that employees know who to contact and how to reach key personnel when needed.
  • Create an evacuation plan that employees can easily follow if they have to escape in a hurry.
  • Update new employees on disaster readiness so everyone is well-informed on what’s expected of them if disaster strikes.

Communicating with Clients after a Disaster

If your customers can’t reach you after a disaster, they may find someone else who can help. Don’t jeopardize your business. Have a plan to continue your operations, and let your customers know where to find you.

  • Have a plan in place to communicate with key clients after a disaster.
  • If your building is severely damaged, you may need to open a temporary location to continue operations. Thinking about possible options before disaster strikes can save valuable time following a disaster.

Protecting Essential Data after a Disaster

Make sure your primary data is backed up digitally to prevent loss in a disaster. This includes financial records, employee and customer information, and any other critical data you need to keep your business running. Cloud backup is the safest, most secure means of protecting essential data from natural disasters.

Commercial Insurance Coverage

Purchase adequate commercial insurance for your building, business equipment, and inventory. Just as important, be sure you have business interruption coverage. Many businesses have enough insurance to replace what they lose, but not enough to recover lost earnings. This can cause your business to fail.

Maine Business Insurance

For information on commercial insurance coverage and costs, contact Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance in South Portland, ME. We offer a choice of Maine’s top business insurance companies. We can help you find the right fit for your business. We’re independent and committed to you.

How to Insure A Maine Home Owned by a Trust

Many home owners in Maine transfer some of their property to a living or  family trust.  Trusts can be a useful estate planning tool. Once they were used only by the wealthy. Today, people of all financial means place property in trusts.

Trusts are legal documents. Your attorney can explain if a trust is a good solution for you. They can also help you establish a trust.

Insuring Property in a Trust

How can you insure real estate owned by a trust? It depends on the use of the property. Is it your primary home? A vacation home? Does someone who’s not a trustee live in the home? Is the property owned by a family trust, and used by several relatives?

Each insurer has different requirements for trust-owned property. An experienced insurance agent can help you find the right insurance solution. Independent insurance agents offer a choice of several insurance companies.

Some insurance companies use special policy endorsements for trusts. Others simply add trusts as an “additional insured” on the policy.

Are you living in a trust-owned property in Southern Maine? Are you a trustee? If so, contact Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance in South Portland at 207-799-5541. We offer a choice of Maine’s preferred property insurance companies. We’re independent and committed to you.

Does Commercial Insurance Cover Portable Business Equipment?

Commercial insurance protects a company or business owner from losses to buildings or equipment necessary for the operations. However, many Maine businesses rely on portable equipment to operate. So, does commercial coverage offer protection for essential portable equipment when it’s off the premises?

Coverage for Portable Equipment

Commercial insurance covers equipment, inventory and supplies located on the premises of the covered location. However, this may not extend to things that leave the premises. If you bring property to job sites or customer locations, portable equipment insurance may be necessary to prevent gaps and losses.

Portable equipment coverage is sometimes called an Inland Marine Floater. This coverage will protect electronic equipment and other contractor related items required to perform daily work-related tasks. Before selecting additional insurance, speak with an agent about current and future needs, and find out what options are currently available to get a complete layer of protection.

Protect Your Equipment on Job Sites

Considering a purchase of portable equipment for your business? Talk to an agent from an insurance company who can outline what steps are necessary to get comprehensive coverage. Although some protection may be offered by standard commercial insurance, navigating portable insurance coverage may be necessary.

If your business is located in Southern Maine,  contact Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance in South Portland at 207-799-5541. We offer straightforward solutions from some of Maine’s top business insurance companies. That allows you to choose insurance that matches your business needs and provide you with peace of mind.

Getting the right combination of insurance to cover a business can be tricky. Don’t risk gaps and issues that could spell disaster. Consult with an agent from Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance to get the coverage necessary to protect a business in Portland, ME and throughout the state.

What Structures Besides the Home Does Homeowners Insurance Cover?

Your home insurance covers far more than the home itself and its contents. If you read your homeowners policy from Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance of Portland, ME carefully, you’ll spot a section called “other structures.”

What are other structures?

Other structures refer to any buildings on your property that are not directly attached to the home. Those include fences, sheds, detached garages, workshops, etc. It also includes your backyard gazebo, and the pool house, if you are fortunate to have a pool.

Similar to the policy section that covers your home’s contents, the other structures section describes your coverage and its limits. Your other structures will be covered for a percentage of the replacement value of your home. It is typically ten percent of the value. That is not per structure, but for all other structures as a whole.

That means if your insured home value is $300,000 and your other structures coverage provides ten percent coverage, you have $30,000 of coverage for your workshop, fences, detached garage, and other buildings.

Other structures coverage is automatically included, whether or not you have any outbuildings. That’s so that you don’t have to call your insurance agent if you add a shed or build a small detached garage. “Other Structures” can’t be removed from a homeowners policy, and there’s no additional charge for the coverage.

Also, you are covered for the same perils as named in your home’s coverage. If your house has coverage for wind or hurricane damage, so do your other structures.

Call us at Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance in South Portland, ME at 207-799-5541 to learn more about other structures insurance. You can add to your coverage so your workshop or fences are fully insured.

Commercial Insurance to Protect Your Small Business

Small business owners are the heart of the American economy. Maybe you are not big enough to be listed on the Dow Jones Index, but your enterprise is what drives Main Street in towns across Maine. However, you should not get complacent. Small businesses are susceptible to lawsuits, workers compensation claims and other situations that they cannot handle as readily as large corporations. It is imperative that you have protection for these times.

To keep your business safe in times of adversity, you should consider comprehensive commercial insurance. Contact us at Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance to speak with one of our agents today.

Following are examples of commercial insurance that many small businesses in the Portland, ME region find beneficial, along with some factors used to decide which, and how much, insurance to purchase.


These policies can protect you when held liable for harm done to another.

A customer or supplier who comes into contact with your business may get injured or sick for example. You will then need funds to take care of medical bills or legal fees. Liability policies can help defray certain of these costs.

Commercial Auto

If your business uses vehicles to transport things or people, then you will probably need some commercial auto insurance.

It is best not to rely on your personal auto insurance, even if you do use your everyday car for these purposes. Commercial auto insurance policies usually cover situations that your personal auto insurance will not.

Errors and Omissions

It is imperative that professionals, such as lawyers, accountants, and others who work independently, have error and omissions insurance. These policies help individuals who provide services and dispense advice when they are charged with negligence.

As you never know when a client may be dissatisfied with your work, it is best to have adequate errors and omissions insurance in place at all times.

Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Policy:

  • Annual revenue

  • Location

  • Number of employees

  • Rent

Get More Information Today

Contact Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance today to learn more about specific commercial insurance policies in the Portland, ME area and beyond.

What Maine Small Business Owners Need to Know About Insurance

Running your small Portland, ME business can be a rewarding and satisfying endeavor. However, without the right liability insurance coverage, running your small business open you up to lawsuits. Here is a brief description from Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance of the most common business liability insurance.

Worker’s Comp

Worker’s compensation insurance is required in Maine for any business with employees. As a business owner, you need to stay up to date on your state’s requirements concerning worker’s compensation insurance. Worker’s compensation insurance protects your employees when they are injured on the job. This also protects you as the employer from liability for said injuries.

Liability Insurance

General liability is one of the most important types of insurance for the small business owner to have. Liability can come in many forms. Individuals can get injured on your property or by your product. Something could go wrong with a service you provided resulting in damage or injury. Liability insurance will protect you in these situations and ensure that your company is not required to pay out of pocket for these types of liability claims.

Commercial Auto

If your company owns vehicles in order to provide services or deliveries, then you need business auto insurance. Commercial vehicle insurance can cover your drivers and your vehicles in the event of an accident. If your company uses vehicles, then you will no doubt have invested a good deal of money into those vehicles. This will protect that investment.

Umbrella Insurance

Commercial umbrella insurance policies help small business cover all their bases in one simple policy. Umbrella policies provide high limits of liabilty over your general liability and business auto policies. To learn more about small businesses, contact our friendly staff at Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance serving Portland, ME at 207-799-5541. We offer a choice of Maine’s best business insurance companies, so we can help you find the best value. We’re independent and committed to you.

What Should You Do If Your Car is Stolen?

No one wants to wake up or walk out to a parking lot after shopping and discover their car has been stolen. Unfortunately, this is a situation hundreds of thousands of people find themselves in each year. If your car has been stolen, you may find yourself wondering what to do, or what order to do things in. Here is some information from Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance, serving the greater Portland, ME area. 

File a Police Report

After your car has been stolen, the first thing you will want to do is file a police report. This ensures your vehicle is listed as stolen, which may help the police to locate it faster. It also helps to protect you in case the individuals who took your car causes damage to other vehicles or property with your car. 

Contact Your Insurance Company

Once your car has been reported stolen with the police, you will want to contact your insurance company. Let them know that your vehicle has been reported stolen to the property authorities, and if you have it, provide them with the police or case number. The insurance company requires you to wait a period of time before they will pay out on a stolen car claim, so starting the clock as soon as possible is essential. 

Unfortunately, not every insurance policy covers your car if it is stolen. If you are looking to learn more about auto insurance, find out what coverage you have, or increase your coverage in the greater Portland, ME area, let Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance help you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment to discuss your auto insurance coverage.