Who Needs to Buy Workers Comp Insurance in Maine?


Maine law requires every business to provide workers compensation insurance to protect its employees. Workers comp pays for medical expenses and lost wages following an on-the-job injury or occupational disease.

Is There a Minimum Payroll for Maine Workers Comp?

No. As soon as you hire your first employee, you’re required to provide workers’ compensation insurance. It doesn’t matter how much or how little they work, or what their hourly wage is. The only exceptions are employers of domestic servants in a private home, or agricultural employers who meet certain requirements.



Do I Have to Buy Workers Compensation for Independent Contractors in Maine?

No, but the eligibility bar for an independent contractor is VERY high in Maine. Maine law sets 12 tests for an independent contractor. The tests deal with supervision and control. How many do you have to meet to qualify? All twelve.

Related Post: Independent Contractor or Employee?
Maine Workers Comp Insurance Costs Hang in the Balance

If there’s any question in your mind whether or someone is a contractor or an employee, chances are good that they’re an employee. To avoid unplanned expenses, we recommend applying for a Pre-determination of Independent Contractor Status (WCB-266) with the Maine Workers Compensation Board.

Are Business Owners and Partners Required to Buy Maine Workers Comp Coverage for Themselves?

They’re not required, but whether they’re automatically covered or not depends on the type of legal entity.

Sole Proprietorships and Partnerships – Owners are not automatically covered, but they may “opt in”. Parents, spouses and children of an owner who work in the business are automatically covered, but may “opt out” by signing a form.

Corporations and Professional Associations – Officers who work in the business are automatically covered and included at their actual payroll (subject to minimums and maximums). If they own less than 20% of the stock, they cannot be excluded.

An owner of 20% or more of voting stock may “opt out” of workers comp by signing a form. Spouses, parents and children of these owners may also be excluded, even if they’re not household members.

Charitable, Religious or Non-Profit Corporations – Executives are not considered “officers”. If they are paid wages, they are covered by workers compensation. They may not “opt out”. If they are not paid, they are considered volunteers, and not covered. Volunteers do not have the choice to “opt in”.

LLCs – Owners are excluded unless they “opt in” to coverage. Parents, children and spouses of owners are automatically covered, but may “opt out” of workers comp.

Owners of 50% or more of separate businesses MUST be on the SAME policy, even if the two businesses have different legal forms (e.g. a partnership and a corporation).

What’s the Penalty for Not Having Maine Workers Compensation Coverage?

That’s a risk you don’t want to take. Here are a few of the downsides:

  • It’s a Class D crime, subject to a $10,000 penalty or 108% of the premium you should have paid (whichever’s larger);
  • You can lose your corporate charter or other state licenses;
  • You’re solely responsible for the medical expenses and lost wages of your employees (regardless of fault or contributory negligence);
  • Your liability and other insurance offer no protection against this.

If your business hires an employee, you need Maine workers compensation coverage. Call Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance at 207-799-5541 for a free consultation and quote. We can help you manage your workers compensation and other Maine business insurance costs. We represent several top Maine business insurers, including MEMIC, the largest workers compensation insurer in Maine.

We’re independent and committed to you.



Why Did My Maine Auto Insurance Go Up?


You’re a careful driver. You haven’t had an accident or a ticket in years. You drive the same old car. Maybe you drive less because you retired, or bike to work. Why did your auto insurance price go up?

It’s not just you. Average US auto insurance rates increased by about 11% the 5 years from 2011 to 2016. Maine’s rates remain among the lowest in the nation, but so are our incomes. Fortunately, your personal behavior and situation greatly affect your car insurance costs. You do have some control over what you pay for car insurance.

Why Did My Car Insurance Increase?

You Had an Accident

Insurance companies charge more after an accident – some even charge if the accident wasn’t your fault. That’s because insurance data shows that if you’ve had one accident, you’re more likely to have another than someone who hasn’t had any. Some insurers charge for 3 years, some as much as 5.

You Got a Ticket

Speeding tickets and other moving violations flag you as a higher accident risk to insurance companies. Some insurance companies don’t charge for the first ticket, but they charge for the next, and even more for any future tickets. As with accidents, different insurers surcharge your policy for 3 or 5 years after a violation.

You Have a Young Driver

Inexperienced drivers have more accidents, so they cost more to insure – at least until they can establish a good record. If your child recently got their license or permit, expect to pay more for a few years. Insurance companies do offer discounts for honor roll / dean’s list students,  students who are away from home without a car, and those who passed a driver’s ed course. Check with your agent to be sure you’re getting the discounts you deserve.

Related Post: How Much Does Car Insurance Cost for a 16-year-old in Maine? 

Your Credit Score Recently Dropped

Drivers with excellent credit tend to pay less than others. Insurance records show that they file fewer claims than those with lower scores. Credit score impacts your “insurance score”, which almost every insurer in Maine uses to set your rate. Some insurers review your score every few years. Others freeze your score when you apply, unless you ask them to re-run your score. If your score isn’t as good as when you started your policy, your car insurance may go up. Each insurer uses a different formula for insurance score. Talk to your agent to see if your current insurance company is still the best value.

Your Insurance Company Has Lost Money

Overall insurance company results affect your rates, too. Insurance pools the experience of your neighbors with yours. That’ good, because it reduces your risk and limiting your expense to a budgetable amount. It’s bad if your insurer has paid so many claims for other people that it affects your rates.

Insurance companies are good at estimating claim expenses. But, they’re not perfect. A large hail storm, or unexpected factors (like lower gas prices) can catch them off-guard. Some years, your insurance company pays more in claims than they collect in premium. If they do that for too many years, they must increase rates to collect enough to pay future claims.

Related Post: What’s Causing U.S. Auto Insurance Rates to Go Up?

Your Insurance Company Thinks You Drive More Than You Do

How you use your car affects your car insurance rates. When you started your policy, your agent asked whether you drove to work and how many miles a year you drove. If you’ve since changed jobs, retired, or commuting a different way, call your agent.

Some insurers offer custom rates if you allow them to monitor your driving. The savings can be considerable: as much as 30% if you drive very few miles. Contact your agent if you’re interested in learning more about these pay-as-you-drive plans.

How Can I Reduce My Auto Insurance Costs?

First, drive safely. A clean driving record is the best way to control your auto insurance price. Here are some others:

Should I Shop My Car Insurance?

If you live in Southern Maine, contact a Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance agent for a review at 207-799-5541. Not ready to talk to a human yet? You can still compare prices from up to 6 Maine auto insurance companies online on our web site.

When you chat with us, we can provide personalized, custom, professional advice. As a Trusted Choice insurance agent, we are independent and committed to you.


When should I drop comp & collision coverage-When a great car insurance quote isn't.

Moving or Relocating to Portland Maine: How to Register a Car


If you’re moving or relocating to Portland Maine, you’ll be eager to take care of business once you’ve settled in. Well, maybe not. But, you’ll feel better after you do it. You’ll need to get a Maine driver’s license and register your car in Maine within 30 days. Here are the steps.

Step One: Get Maine Car Insurance

Maine requires every vehicle owner to have insurance. This, and our mostly rural character, makes cheap auto insurance a way of life. Maine has the lowest average car insurance costs in the U.S. 

Shopping for car insurance isn’t as bad as you think. Nobody does it for fun, but it will go faster if you have your old policy information handy.

If you’re looking for Maine auto insurance and live in Southern Maine, we can help. As an independent agency, we offer a choice of many insurance companies at once. You can get up to 6 Maine auto insurance quotes online in 10 minutes, or call a Noyes Hall & Allen agent to get your quotes.

Step Two: Visit City or Town Hall

(maine.gov photo)
(maine.gov photo)

Take your insurance card and your out-of-state title and registration to your local municipal office. Note your vehicle mileage. You’re going to need that to register. They’ll collect excise tax, a type of vehicle property tax. Excise tax is based upon the age and “cost new” of your vehicle. If you call ahead, your city or town can tell you how much your excise tax will be.

Most Maine cities and towns including Portland, Falmouth, South Portland, Cape Elizabeth, Scarborough and Westbrook provide standard Maine license plates. If you want vanity plates, order them from Maine BMV.

Step Three: Get Your Maine Drivers License

Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles issues drivers licenses. As long as your out-of-state license is valid and your name hasn’t changed, it’s easy to convert it to a Maine license. You’ll need to:

  • Provide proof of residency (your auto registration should suffice)
  • Take an eye test
  • Turn in you old license (sorry, we know that picture was your favorite)
  • Pay a fee.

Greater Portland area Bureau of Motor Vehicle Branch Locations:

Maine BMV Portland: 125 Presumpscot St. 04103  207-822-6400

Maine BMV Scarborough: 200 Expedition Drive, Suite G 04074  207-883-2596

Do I Have to Get a Maine Inspection Sticker?

Yes, but maybe not right away. If you have a current inspection from another state, you’re not required to get a Maine State auto inspection until that expires. A lot of people do it at the same time as registration to make it easier to remember to renew both. Maine registration and inspection each last for a year.

Don’t Forget to Insure Your “Stuff”

Many Portland Maine landlords require proof of renters insurance. Even if they don’t it’s a good idea to protect your belongings from fire, theft and other disasters. We can quote Portland Maine renters insurance in 10 minutes or less. When it comes time to buy a home in Maine, or if you have questions about Maine insurance, we’re here to help. We offer a choice of several preferred insurance companies. We’re independent and committed to you.


RENTERS INSURANCE 101Which Car Insurance is Best-


Beware of “Teaser” Maine Homeowners Insurance Quotes


One of our employees received this solicitation from a competitor. It quotes a homeowners premium of $409 per year. That’s hundreds less than they pay now. How can that be? Is this “bait and switch”? Like most of these offers, if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is. The answers are in the fine print.

Example: 6 Cheap Homeowners Insurance Quote Tricks

Beware of "teaser" homeowners insurance quotes!
Beware of “teaser” homeowners insurance quotes! (click to enlarge)

1. Using the “Perfect Profile”

Every insurance company uses personal information to provide an accurate quote and policy for you. This may involve your insurance history, your insurance score (similar to a consumer credit score), your occupation and more. If you get a quote out of the blue without giving any of your information to anyone, you’re getting a generic quote, probably containing the absolute best rate, reserved for the theoretical human who fits the perfect profile. No one gets that rate.

2. Quoting On the Tax Assessor’s Value of Your Home

Tax assessments have nothing to do with insurance. Towns and cities revalue every several years to create a “just baseline” to compare properties for tax purposes. If it’s been years since the last revaluation, the figure is probably low. Assessed value has nothing to do with the cost to rebuild your home. Assessments are roughly based on market value, which is affected by location, condition, and acreage.

After a disaster, you want to have enough insurance to rebuild your home. Insurance companies want that, too. That’s why they require you to insure 100% of replacement cost. Usually, assessed value is far below your home’s replacement cost. For example, this home’s replacement cost is 20% more than the quoted amount. If they called for quote, the insurer would take information about their home, calculates its replacement cost, and bump the amount by 20%. That would increase the price.

This insurance company knows all of that, but chooses to ignore it. The lower amount means a cheaper quote. It’s appealing – until you think about it.

3. Inflating Your Insurance Score                         superior-credit-quote

As explained above, insurance companies use scoring to price your insurance. The higher your credit score, the lower your insurance price. This quote assumes that you’re in the top tier of insurance scores. Even people with excellent credit scores may not make the “superior credit” status. So, when you respond to the solicitation, your price probably goes up.

4. Presuming Your Home Was Just Built

This home was built in 1972. The tax assessor’s document clearly says that. Why would the insurance company quote it as if it was new? Because there’s a “new home discount”. That makes the rate lower, until you call in. Oops, no discount for you.

5. Assuming You Move All Your Insurancemultipolicy-quote

It’s no secret that you can get a lower price with most companies by bundling auto and property insurance. You should absolutely talk to your agent about bundling to see if it makes sense for you. It doesn’t always. What if this company’s car insurance rates are terrible? What if you don’t meet their underwriting requirements? What if…?

Without a package discount, this quote could be 20% higher – or more. And, think about it: if this insurance company uses shady quoting tactics on your home insurance, do you really want to trust them will ALL of your insurance?

6. Have You Really Had No Claims in 5 Years?

Maybe that’s true, maybe not. Five years is a long time. Many people forget that they’ve had claims. You could think it’s true, until the insurance company runs their reports. That plumbing leak? The water backup in the basement? Oh yeah. Those count. And, they can change this quote considerably.

Looking for a Real Maine Homeowners Insurance Quote?

If you are looking for homeowners, condo or renters insurance in Maine, and want a thorough review and a realistic proposal for your coverage, contact a Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance agent. We’re independent, so we offer a choice of preferred insurers in Maine. Prefer to start online?  Get up to 6 Maine homeowners insurance quotes in 10 minutes on our web site. If that’s as far as you want to go, we won’t hound you later. But, we’re happy to answer your Maine home insurance questions.

When a Great Car Insurance Quote Isn’t

We all see them. Those auto insurance solicitations in the mail, online or on TV. Some of them are really funny. Some promise lots of savings. How can you tell if they’re real or not?

One of our clients shared this mail solicitation from an insurance company looking to quote their auto insurance. The quote looked to be about half what they are paying now. After we reviewed it with him, the client was happy to stay with their current insurer. Here’s some of what we pointed out to them.

We’ve blanked out the information about the other company on the letter below. We’re not out to embarrass anyone. But, we share it so that you can look critically at the solicitations you receive. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

6 Reasons Why This “Good Deal” Isn’t. 

click on the image to enlarge it

1. You are “Pre-approved”

Read closely. It doesn’t say that you’re approved for the rate they’ve quoted. In fact, unless you’re a 45-year-old married man who drives a 2014 Subaru Impreza (which the recipient was not), and have very good credit, your quote could be a lot different. What you’re approved for is to receive this letter. Don’t you feel lucky?

2. “Average $446 per Year Savings”

Notice that “7 out of 10 drivers who switched saved money – an average of $446 per year”. A few questions leap to mind:

  • How many drivers are we talking about? Did 10 people switch, or 10,000? Who knows.
  • How many drivers didn’t switch? If 95% of people who went through the process didn’t change, is it worth responding to this flyer for a 5% chance of success?
  • Where do these drivers live? Ahh, the small print on the back says this is “national consumer data”. That makes a difference. Maine has the lowest auto premiums in the country, averaging $902. Per year. No insurance company is so consistently cheap that they save most people 50% on their car insurance. Even if this company does save you money, it’s unlikely to be anywhere near $446. It sounds good in the letter, though.
  • What about the 3 out of 10 who spent MORE money after signing on with this insurance company? The story doesn’t say. That’s probably not the outcome they wanted when they started the process, though.

3. $50,000 Per Person Bodily Injury?

Bodily injury liability insurance pays medical bills and pain & suffering for people you may hurt in an auto accident. It’s the only thing protecting your net worth from a lawsuit. $50,000 is the absolute minimum allowed in Maine. It’s also a lot less than the net worth of most 45-year-old married men driving 2014 Subarus. Did we mention that Maine’s Wrongful Death Statute allows up to $1,000,000 per person – 20X the limit this letter quotes?

Quoting $50,000 limits is a disservice to most Maine consumers. It makes the price look good, though. Maybe if you responded, the agent would up-sell you to higher limits (at a higher price). Or, maybe they’d just sell you the $50,000. Either way, you lose.

Related: How Much Liability Insurance Should You Buy? (Calculator)

4. $50,000 Uninsured Motorist Coverage?

This one’s arguably even worse. Uninsured Motorist is supposed to protect YOU and your family and passengers if you’re injured by someone who has little or no insurance. It pays the difference between the at-fault driver’s inadequate insurance limit and your UM limit. If you buy this quote, and are hit by someone with $50,000 liability coverage (which we’ve already determined is very low),  this policy provides NO UM coverage at all. But at least the price for “no insurance” was lower 7 out of 10 times.

5. Who Can Rent a Car for $20 a Day?

We don’t know of any national rental firm that charges less than $30 a day in Portland, Maine. And that’s for a compact car at the insurance company’s corporate rate. Granted, $20 is better than $0, so this is probably better than the Uninsured Motorist Coverage above.

6. Why a Six Month Policy?

Some insurers prefer to write a 6 month policy instead of annual, because:

  • They can adjust rates more frequently. If they file a rate change, the new rate takes effect after 6 months, not 12.
  • They can charge you for an accident sooner. Same logic applies. The surcharge is applied at renewal, which is 6 months instead of 12.
  • The rates look lower. In fact our client first thought this quote was half the price he was paying now. Turns out, because he has an annual policy, the price was almost the same. And, his current coverage was WAY better.

Related: What to Expect from Maine Auto Insurance Rates in 2017

There’s A Better Way to Shop for Maine Auto Insurance

If you are looking for a second opinion on your Greater Portland Maine car insurance, contact Noyes Hall & Allen in South Portland. We’re independent. That means we offer the choice of 9 preferred insurance companies. We’ll also take time to customize our proposal to YOUR needs, not some fictitious Impreza-driving-45-year-old married-male. We’ll recommend coverage for you and tell you why. You can choose whether or not it’s a good deal for you.

If you’re a self-service type, you can get up to 7 Maine car insurance quotes in 10 minutes on our web site. Don’t worry: if you don’t see anything that that rocks your world, we won’t hound you afterwards. But we’re always happy to answer any questions you have during the process.


Why do my car insurance rates keep going up-How much liability insurance should buy

Maine Auto Insurance: What to Expect in 2017


Last Thursday, we met with executives from 7 different insurance companies, one after the other. Every December, we invite our key company partners to review the year and plan for the next.

It’s a full day spent discussing trends, challenges and opportunities in the insurance industry. We learn a lot from the executives’ lofty perspective. They learn just as much from our “front line” reports. By the end of the day, trends usually emerge.

This year, increasing frequency and cost of auto claims concerns almost every executive. Their companies are paying claims faster than they’re collecting premiums. They can’t afford to do that for long. We haven’t seen this trend yet in our agency’s fairly small sample of Maine’s drivers. But it’s clear: we should prepare for rising auto insurance rates in the next few years.

Four Reasons to Expect Higher Auto Insurance Rates in 2017

  1. Fierce Competition Depressed Car Insurance Rates

The Great Recession put extreme pressure on many household budgets. Many insurers focused their advertising message on reducing prices. GEICO spent more than $1 billion a year on advertising. State Farm spent about $800 million. This extreme competition caused prices to remain level for years. Total industry premiums remained flat from 2006 to 2009.

2. People Are Driving Again

While the economy was slow, driving decreased. Americans drove fewer miles 3 out of 4 years from 2008 to 2011, due to:

  • higher gas prices
  • higher unemployment
  • many younger people choosing to delay getting licensed

As the economy improved and gas prices dropped, Americans drove more. We now drive about 3.15 trillion miles per year, an increase of about 150 million miles since 2013.

3. Distracted Driving is a Big Bummer

Several execs shared their front-line adjusters’ stories about distracted driver crashes. Maine adjusters report that many claims involve drivers using mobile devices to text, talk or use social media. Keep in mind that all three are illegal in Maine.

National data reinforces these stories. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported 431,000 people injured in distracted driving accidents in 2014, the latest year available. More than 3,000 people were killed. And that was 2 years before Pokemon Go.

4. Crashes Are On the Rise

With the increases in mileage driven and distracted driving, you might expect crash rates to spike. They have. Personal auto insurance claims in the U.S. increased 37.1% between 2006 and 2015. Meanwhile, auto insurance premiums increased 20.9%.

Higher speed limits, increased road congestion and distracted driving seem to be causing increased crash activity. A December 1 Portland Press Herald article cited a 32% increase in accidents on Route 295 north of Portland between 2013 and 2015.

What You Can Do to Control Auto Insurance Expenses

  • Shop Around – Compare prices every 3-5 years, or if your rates change significantly. Independent agencies like Noyes Hall & Allen represent several insurers. We can compare coverage and prices for you, without changing agents.
  • Bundle Property & Auto Insurance – Many insurers discount your auto policy if they insure your home, condo or apartment, too.
  • Think About Dropping Physical Damage Coverage – One rule of thumb is: if you’re spending more than 10% of the book value of your car on your comprehensive and collision insurance, consider dropping or adjusting your coverage.

    Related: When Should I Drop Collision Coverage?

  • Consider Usage-Based Insurance – UBI involves installing a telematics device in your vehicle. This allows your insurer to track your mileage and driving behavior. Many insurers offer big discounts if you allow them to customize your premium to your driving habits.

    Related: Is Progressive Snapshot Right for You? 5 Questions to Ask

  • Protect Your Credit Score – Almost every insurer uses an “insurance score” to price your insurance. These scores are closely related to your credit score. The better your credit score, the lower your auto insurance rate.


More Accidents, Larger Claims Drive Costs Higher, Insurance Information Institute, October 2016 (.pdf)

Consumer Information, Maine Bureau of Insurance

Get Free Maine Auto Insurance Quotes in 10 Minutes, Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance

Rideshare Insurance for Uber & Lyft in Maine


Does Your Auto Insurance Protect You?

Many Maine drivers are thinking about making some extra cash by driving for rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft. They often ask us if how their personal auto insurance company would respond.

Personal Insurance Does NOT Cover Rideshare Driving

As soon as you turn on the app and make yourself available to pick up a guest, you turn OFF your Maine auto insurance policy – at least all of the policies we’re aware of. Your insurance company should deny any claim – collision, liability, uninsured motorist, medical payments, rental or towing – that occurred while you were available for hire or driving a customer.

Do Uber and Lyft Insurance Policies Protect Maine Drivers?

Knowing that personal insurance policies do not cover livery (driving for a fee), rideshare companies have obtained blanket insurance policies to cover their drivers. Most companies seem to be insured with James River Insurance, based in Richmond, VA, and rated A- by A.M. Best. These policies cover you pretty well when you’re carrying a customer – but not when you’re simply available and waiting for a customer request. This chart shows when coverage applies, and how much.

RideShare Insurance in Maine


What are the Risks of Being an Uber Driver?

As you can see from the chart above, the insurance provided by Uber, Lyft and similar companies leave important gaps that could cost you a lot – especially in Period One, when you have the app on and are awaiting a ride request.


  • Injury from an uninsured or under-insured driver. If you are waiting for a ride request and someone rear-ends you at a stop light, their liability insurance should pay for the damage to your car, and your medical bills and lost wages. But, what if they have no insurance – or not enough? Uber and Lyft policies do not pay anything to repair your car. And, because their uninsured motorist coverage drops to state minimum limits during that time, you would have little or no coverage for your medical bills.
  • Liability to Others for Injury or Property Damage. Imagine you’re waiting for a ride request. You decide to stop for a coffee. When you pull in, you accidentally step on the gas instead of the brake, plowing into the front of the coffee shop. Your rideshare insurance will only cover state minimum liability limits for injuries to others or damage to property. Because your personal auto policy doesn’t cover you during this time, you’re out of luck if damages are higher. You’ll be responsible for paying for the damages. That could mean a lot of fares in your future just to repay the damage.
  • Damage to Your Car. Rideshare insurance policies don’t pay for damage to your car from crashes, vandalism, theft or fire. If you have a loan on your vehicle, you could find yourself making payments on a car you cannot drive. And you won’t be able to make more money via driving since your vehicle is out of commission.
  • Your Insurance Company Might Cancel Your Policy. Many drivers fail to notify their auto insurance company when they start to drive for a rideshare company. And for good reason: even  though they don’t cover your rideshare activities, insurance companies generally don’t like the idea. Your vehicle is on the road a lot more, possibly at odd hours and unfamiliar locations. Even if you’re driving a customer and have collision coverage under the Uber or Lyft insurance policy, they require you to first report it to your insurance company and be denied coverage. That can be an uncomfortable conversation, and it can attract the attention of the insurance company, which may then cancel your personal policy.

Know the Consequences Before You Become an Uber Driver in Maine

It’s tempting to make some extra money during your spare time. Just know that the opportunity comes with risks. Rideshare companies are eager to sign up new drivers, and may gloss over the risks and limitations of their insurance program. Make sure you understand them before you get behind the wheel for a rideshare company.

If you have questions about your Maine auto insurance, contact  Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance in South Portland at 207-799-5541. We’re independent and committed to you.


The Most Popular Vehicles in Portland Maine


As a Portland Maine insurance agent, we insure lots of homes, condos, vehicles and businesses. We thought it might be fun to share some facts about vehicles we insure. While our clients may not be a statistically accurate sample, we think they give a pretty good indication of what vehicles are most popular in the Portland Maine area. It’s also kind of interesting to see some trends by model year.

Top 10 Vehicle Brands in Portland Maine

If Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance clients currently are typical, the top 10 auto makers capture almost 75% of the market. The “big three” alone are 38%.

  1. TOYOTA – 15.2% market share
  2. FORD – 11.5%
  3. HONDA – 11.3%
  4. CHEVROLET – 9.1%
  5. SUBARU – 8.8%
  6. VOLVO – 4.0%
  7. NISSAN – 3.9%
  8. HYUNDAI – 3.4%
  9. VOLKSWAGEN – 3.3%
  10. JEEP – 3.3%

What are the Best-Selling Vehicles in Portland Maine?

This graphic shows which auto maker appears to have sold the most vehicles in each of the last 5 years, based on vehicles our clients own.

Favorite auto brands in Portland Maine

It’s interesting to note that Ford is the only auto maker always in the top 3. Toyota rode a wave of #1 but seems to be fading a bit. Subaru is off to a fast start with 2016 models. Will they sustain the momentum for the whole year?

How Long do Portland Maine People Keep their Vehicles?

The median model year of vehicles our clients own is 2008. So the average person keeps a car for about 8 years. Which side of average do you fall on?

0-4 YEARS OLD – 22.1%  (2013 to 2016 model year)
5-8 YEARS OLD – 30.1%  (2008 to 2012 model year)
8-12 YEARS OLD – 28.0% (2003 to 2007 model year)
Older than 12 YEARS – 15.8% (2002 model year and older).


When is the right time to drop collision coverage from your carClick on the link to read our blog post answering that question. 

The Most Popular Vehicle on the Road in Portland Maine

By IFCAR - Own work, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6770336
By IFCAR – Own work, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6770336


Despite being only the 5th most popular vehicle brand among our clients, Subaru has the top two models when you look at all vehicles on the road. The Subaru Outback is #1 by far, with the Subaru Forester #2. The Toyota Camry is right behind the Forester at #3. These top 3 vehicles represent more than 10% of the vehicles our clients own.

UPDATED: August 2017

The trends continue in 2017. Subaru seems to remain super popular in Portland Maine. Foreign models continue to dominate the top 5. So do 4X4 vehicles. Ford pickup sales appear to rise and fall, maybe with the economy or gas prices? The Nissan Rogue looked to be picking up steam in 2016, only to fall off the leader board in 2017.


Whatever you drive, if you live in the Portland Maine area and would like a review of your auto insurance, contact Noyes Hall & Allen at 207-799-5541. You can even get 7 Maine auto insurance quotes online in 10 minutes. Of course we also insure homes, condos, apartments, boats, motorcycles, businesses and more. We offer a choice from Maine’s preferred insurance companies. We’re independent and committed to you.

How Much Insurance Savings Will a Home Security Alarm System Generate?


Maine’s property crime rate is a fraction of most states. We’re very fortunate to live in such a safe area. Even Portland, Maine’s largest city, has a property crime rate only slightly above the national average, and far below most U.S. cities. Sadly, crime still does happen in Maine. Many of our clients choose to protect their property by installing a burglar and fire alarm. Some include low temperature alarms, water flow alarms and other protective systems.

How Much Will an Alarm System Save on Home Insurance?

Let’s put it this way: you would never purchase an alarm system for the insurance discount. You purchase it for peace of mind and to protect your valuable property. But, if you’re going to install an alarm, you might as well get the home insurance discounts you deserve, right?

Which is the Best Alarm System for Insurance Discounts?

This list is ranked roughly from the smallest discount to the largest. Savings are based upon the average Maine homeowners insurance premium of $800 per year.

Smoke Detectors – $16

Working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are the absolute minimum that every home, condo or apartment should have. Smoke alarms save lives. They also save money on home insurance – although very little. There is usually no discount for carbon monoxide detectors. The discount isn’t usually affected by whether your detectors are hard-wired or battery operated, nor how many there are in your home.

Local Burglar Alarm – $16

If you have a bell or siren on the outside of your home that’s connected to an intrusion detection system, most insurance companies will give you a small discount.

Freeze Alarm with Auto-Dialer – $24

This alarm alerts you when temperatures drop below a certain minimum. These are becoming more common with “smart home” systems, and “the internet of things”. There’s no human intervention or monitoring system; the effectiveness depends upon the person answering the phone call and actually doing something about the problem.

Central Station Fire Alarm – $40

This type of alarm is hard-wired and calls a service that’s monitored 24 X 7. If the alarm goes off, the service notifies the fire department. This is considered by most insurers to be a “top shelf” protection plan.

Freeze Alarm with Central Station – $40

This is like a hybrid between the auto-dialer freeze alarm and the central station fire alarm. In a low-temperature event, the monitored service is notified and contacts your heating contractor for emergency service.

Water Flow Alarm with Central Station or Auto-Shutoff – $40

Some of the most expensive winter claims are caused by water running for an extended time. Water damage is also a lot more common than theft or fire. Whether caused by a broken pipe, freeze-up, or a washing machine hose that lets go, water damage and cleanup can be extremely costly. If water stands for an extended time (like when you’re on vacation, or someplace warm in the winter), mold can develop. It’s no wonder that insurance companies reward people who install protective devices to minimize the chance of this type of damage.

Central Station Burglar Alarm – $40

This is like the central station fire alarm, except for burglary. If someone breaks into your home, the monitoring service contacts the police department. Note that the central station alarm credits are additive. If you have a burglary, fire, water flow and low-temperature central station system, your discount might be $160 per year.

Hard-Wired Emergency Generator – $40

Many Mainers purchased generators after Ice Storm ’98, when many towns were without electricity for days. Some insurers offer discounts for permanently installed hard-wired generators. These devices “kick on” automatically when power is interrupted, and require no human intervention. They power the most essential electrical services of a home, including the furnace or boiler, well pump and kitchen appliances. Obviously, maintaining heat during a winter storm can help avoid a costly freeze-up. Certain insurers reward that by providing a discount.

What’s the Best Insurance Company for My Maine Home?

The answer depends upon the unique features of your home: its location, construction, protective systems and more. It also depends upon your family. Do you have pets? A swimming pool? Are you near the coast? As an Independent Agent, Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance offers a choice of several preferred Maine homeowners, condo and renters insurance companies. We can help you find the best match. And, if your needs change, or the insurance company does, we can help you find another – without having to switch agents. Contact a Noyes Hall & Allen agent in South Portland at 207-799-5541, and find out why we say we’re “Independent and Committed to You”.

Geico vs. State Farm, Allstate & Progressive – Which is the best Maine car insurance for you?

Geico ad quote

State Farm, Geico, Allstate and Progressive are the largest US auto insurance companies (in order) by market share. They’re household names – thanks to the $3.5 billion they spend on advertising every year. Geico alone spends more than $1 billion, 1/6 of  all auto insurance advertising dollars.

So how do you choose the best car insurance in Maine? Could the best insurance company for you be one you’ve never heard of? It may depend on where you live, how insurance savvy you are, and what else you may have to insure.

How Insurance Savvy Are You?

Do You Speak InsuranceState Farm, Geico, Allstate and Progressive all sell directly from company to consumer via the internet and inbound call centers. If you contact them, remember that you’re talking to an insurance company employee. You’re accessing information prepared, controlled and presented by the insurance company. Expect that they will look out for their own business interests first.

You’re also giving the insurance company your phone number and email address. Be prepared for some serious email and telemarketing follow up if you don’t buy right away.

If you “speak insurance” enough to ask the right questions and advocate for your needs, call center employees will try to customize your coverage for you. Many people don’t know what questions to ask or what information to give. Too often, they end up with “off the shelf” insurance that may not fit their needs. Sadly, many don’t know what they’re missing until they’ve had a claim. We see this often when people bring us the policies they bought over the internet or the phone.

Where Do You Live?

State Farm, Allstate and Progressive sell through agents as well as directly over the phone or internet (Geico has recently started selling through employee-agents, too). State Farm and Allstate use “exclusive agents”; they only sell that one company’s products. If you live near one of these agents, it can be helpful to have a local expert to guide you through the process.

We love Portland MaineIf you buy insurance from one of these companies, their pricing and terms remain reasonable; and they don’t non-renew your policy after payment or claims trouble, you may have a long relationship with their agent. They can advise you of appropriate changes in your insurance as things change. But if anything goes wrong, or you want to shop your insurance, you’ll have to find a new agent.

Progressive is different. They also sell through Independent Agents (IAs). These are local business owners who represent more than one insurer. Most independents represent at least 4 or 5 companies (Noyes Hall & Allen represents more than a dozen insurers). If you use an Independent Agent, and your insurance company is no longer the best fit for you, an IA can help you move to another insurance company – without losing your relationship with the agent who knows you and your needs.

Related Post: When Should You Change Insurance Companies?

What Else Do You Need to Insure?

Insuring two things (home and auto, auto and boat, etc.) with the same company earns you a discount and “preferred customer” status.

State Farm and Allstate are top-10 home insurers of homes as well as autos. Geico and Progressive are not. If you get a home insurance quote from Geico, it’s underwritten by a non-affiliated company like American Modern, Foremost or Travelers. That dilutes the benefits of insuring two things with one company. Progressive recently purchased ASI, a Florida-based home insurance company (ASI doesn’t currently do business in Maine).

Even jumbo insurers like State Farm and Allstate can’t handle every type of property. If you find yourself with a square peg insurance situation that doesn’t fit the round hole, you’ll need to find a new agent – probably an Independent Agent. That agent can almost always find the best deal if they have all your insurance – the round peg, to go with the square – to tempt an insurance company.

Maybe An Insurance Company You’ve Never Heard Of is Better?

Let’s face it: the Maine market is a drop in the bucket for these insurance giants. But there are lots of New England based insurance companies that only write policies in our corner of the country. Sometimes, a smaller regional insurer is better at understanding Maine’s quirks. They’re more willing to be flexible on insuring coastal property or a home heated with wood; or a “beater” truck that you drive only in the winter, when you mothball your “summer ride”. Many people prefer the service of a regional insurer over the jumbo national outfits.

Some of the best insurance companies in America are ones you’ve never heard of.

Why have you never heard of them? Because instead of spending billions on TV advertising and sports sponsorships, they rely on local Independent Agents to recommend them to their clients. Companies like MMG, Hanover, Concord Group, Vermont Mutual and Cambridge Mutual are not household names. But, they’re cult favorites in northern New England.

Let Us Help You Decide

As an Independent Agent, Noyes Hall & Allen offers a choice or many top insurers and personalized service from a trusted advisor. We live and work where you do, and we know the Greater Portland Maine insurance market. We’re locally owned and part of the community. It costs no more to work with an Independent Agent than a call center or the internet. And, we have access to flexible options you may need throughout your life.

For more information, call a Noyes Hall & Allen Insurance agent at 207.799.5541. We’re independent and committed to you.