Water and sewer backup insurance coverage isn’t included in off-the-shelf homeowners or business policies. But backup of water is a very common cause of property damage in Maine. Therefore, we’re lucky that optional coverage is available and easy to buy.

What is Water and Sewer Backup?
Water and sewer backup insurance covers backup from a sewer, drain or sump. Remember, it’s not covered by standard home or business insurance. In Maine, water backup is commonly caused by high groundwater level or a plumbing blockage or malfunction. For instance:
- A sump pump fails, causing water to flood a basement
- A check valve malfunctions, causing a backup of sewer or water
- A sewer drain clogs, backing up wastewater
What Does Water and Sewer Backup Insurance Cover?
Coverage can be thought of in steps:
- firstly, removal of water or sewage
- secondly, drying and disinfecting
- then, cleanup of waste or debris
- finally, repair or replacement of damaged property
What’s Excluded?
Leakage or seepage through a foundation or slab isn’t considered water backup. Moreover, it’s not covered by any insurance form.
Leaking from plumbing or heating systems is often covered by homeowners or business policies. So it’s not included in water backup coverage.
How Much Does Water and Sewer Backup Insurance Cost?
Water backup insurance usually has a separate coverage limit. The minimum amount is often $5,000. Most companies’ offerings max out at $25,000. Cost varies by insurer and coverage limit. Prices start around $50 per year, and can be as high as $250. Business insurance policies are different. So check with your agent about coverage for your business.
How do I Choose a Water and Sewer Backup Coverage Limit?
First evaluate your exposure. How much damage would inches of water cause? For instance, do you have finished space in the lower level of your home? Do you store anything damageable there? Moreover, cleaning, drying and disinfecting often costs $5,000 or more. And that’s before repairing or replacing any damage. The average water damage claim is more than $11,000.
I Don’t Have a Sump Pump. Do I Need Water and Sewer Backup Insurance?
You can still suffer water backup without a sump, because water can back up from any drain or sewer in the lowest level of your home. However, if you have none of these, you probably don’t need water backup coverage.
I Have City Sewer and Water. Do I need Water and Sewer Backup Coverage?
Backup can occur from public utilities, private wells or septic systems. Above all, it matters whether you have a sewer, drain or sump, not what kind of services you have.
Need Help? Ask an Agent
In conclusion, water and sewer backup coverage can be an important addition to your insurance.
Do you live in Maine? Have questions about water and sewer backup insurance? Contact a Noyes Hall & Allen agent in South Portland at 207-799-5541. We offer a choice of many of Maine’s top insurance companies. In other words, we can help you find the best fit and value for your insurance. Because we’re independent and committed to you.